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 1. Collin Currie  Bringing the University to a Collective Technology Decision: Are You Kidding?  EDUCAUSE 2006 Annual Conference 
 2. Kristofer Mathisen, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency  Portfolio-Based Technology Decision Making  Forum One Web Executive Seminars: Internet Technology Investment Planning 
 3. David Gray, Robert Green & Mark Schlesinger  Multicampus Planning to Enhance Teaching with Technology: The University of Massachusetts Initiative  EDUCAUSE 2006 Annual Conference 
 4. David Gray, Robert Green & Mark Schlesinger  Multicampus Planning to Enhance Teaching with Technology: The University of Massachusetts Initiative  EDUCAUSE 2006 Annual Conference 
 5. Cory Doctorow  Technology giveth, technology taketh away  http://delicategeniusblog.com 
 6. CobSOn  Kidding  Wasted 
 7. Meanest Man Contest  I Was Only Kidding  Split  
 8. Meanest Man Contest  I Was Only Kidding    
 9. Donny Davito  Just Kidding  My Idea Of Fun House Party, Vol. 1 
 10. afraid of everything  just kidding  annhil serratum 
 11. Imogen Heap  Kidding  Other   
 12. Schizoïd Bass  Hot Summer, are you kidding?  Free Juke Box 
 13. Angie Stone  I Wasn't Kidding  Deepblak Recordings   
 14. Angie Stone  I Wasn t Kidding  BLOG 1   
 15. The Field Mice  You're Kidding Aren't You  Snowball Singles  
 16. Angie Stone  I Wasn't Kidding  Queer As F**K   
 17. Angie Stone  I Wasn't Kidding  Stone Hits   
 18. WFPK - In the Studio 12-04-08  Are Zoo Kidding Me with Duke   
 19. Angie Stone  I Wasn't Kidding  Queer As F**K   
 20. Jay Kid vs Angie Stone  Kidding on the boogie  by Ben Double M 
 21. Angie Stone  I Wasn't Kidding     
 22. Jay Kid vs Angie Stone  "Kidding on the boogie"  by Ben Double M 
 23. Douglas E. Welch  Just Kidding often means exactly the opposite  Career Opportunities - Helping to Build the Career You Deserve! 
 24. Paul T. Stranger Dj  I wasnt kidding - Angie Stone  *Anti hed kandi 'popsa 2006 
 25. info@salesroundup.com  SRP 050905 Labor Day! They Aren’t Kidding!  The SalesRoundup Podcast 
 26. ReReRe & Guests  collective improv 1  Live @ Bogen2, Cologne, July 23 2008 
 27. Antelope  Collective Dream  Reflector  
 28. Dream Hive  Our Collective Madness  Our Collective Madness 
 29. Robert LeFevre  Collective Ownership  Robert LeFevre Commentary 
 30. RaD Man  Steering an Art Collective  Notacon 2005 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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